Trending Search Engine Optimization Factors to Focus in 2019

seo tips

There are several factors which you should keep in mind to accomplish the proper SEO of your website. In order to keep everything in the right place when it comes to the search engine optimization of your website, you need to ensure that the traffic remains consistent and even. Timely execution of SEO strategies must be put in place. In this blog post, we will be talking about the best search engine optimization elements that you must focus on if you really want to secure a great online ranking and SEO results for your website.

1. Highly rich website content

Your website must produce long-form website content else you will not be able to rank. Google’s Panda and Penguin algorithm are all about the emphasis on quality content as a deciding factor for ranking well. These algorithms are focused on the production of quality content. So, your SEO practices must be about making content for your website visitors and not the search engines.

This content has to be unique, original, well-researched, not plagiarized, and engaging at all costs. So, in 2019 and years beyond, you must focus on creating content that makes your website unique, valuable, or engaging. This will make your website stand out from others in your field.

2. Stabilization of the Bounce Rate

You need to be very quick in action and this means you need to make sure you are engaging the user so that they stay on your page. You need to opt for strategies which increase the user’s visit time on your page. This will help Google get a fair idea that your page is quite relevant for the user search intent. It is extremely a bad signal if your users are bouncing off your page as this can lower your ranking.

Hiring any of the competent SEO services that are expert in Google analytics will ensure that your pages are being improved consistently for their ranking and reputation.

There are few steps which you can take like making sure that your content is quite readable, you should build the best link profile with sufficient internal links and other video contents. Make sure that external links are opening in a new window. Only when you are taking care of the factors that cause a higher bounce rate, will you be able to do a greater good for your site’s SEO.

3. Design for User-Experience

Hiring a competent SEO service provider ensures that your modules are being handled in a better way to increase the click-through rates on your website. Driving an increase in these click-through rates is essentially about bringing your site’s SEO and your site’s user-experience drivers together to strike a balance. This also means that you should leave no stones unturned to make your site’s SEO and user-experience to work together.

If you are still not clear about how this relationship works, here’s a little help. SEO is for bringing visitors to your website and UX optimization is about focusing on the visitors so that they like your website and stay on it. Hence, your website really does the work only when it is meeting the needs of searchers i.e. UX and it will only have a better chance of landing on the first page of the search results, with enhances SEO scores.

4. On-page SEO

Image compression, alt title, metadata and correct usage of keyword density – they all fall under the spectrum of your site’s On-page SEO techniques. They must be dealt with care and if you are a short-hand at SEO techniques, you must consider hiring some expert SEO service provider.

One cannot deny the importance of fresh and relevant backlinks. They together make up a great link profile for your website. At this point in the internet market with so much competition in place, the task of building a great link profile might seem like a task, but it can definitely be taken care of. All you need to do is stay away from all shady link building practices and focus on building authority backlinks, naturally.

Make sure that you are being very relevant when building the link profile of your website, otherwise, it might end up damaging your website rankings as well. Google appreciates those links that are driven from the real authority site – sites that have their own decent user engagement. The truth is that any unnatural links can be easily traced by Google’s algorithm. Make sure that you have just natural anchors else Google can link your backlinks as spam.

Making use of voice search is important in the present year and the years to come. This is simply because a voice search is convenient. Most of the searches are now not made while typing. Thus, as a website owner, you need to be aware of the keywords that can are widely used by searchers to tend to a query. These searches will make more use of long tail keywords so it is your responsibility to optimize your content around it. You must be making use of what questions, how questions, when and where questions.

7. Taking care of your site’s Speed

You need to make sure that your website loads within a minimum time period. This is crucial because if a website fails to load within 2-3 seconds, its visitors are quick to abandon it. Always remember that the fastest website wins the race. You must be aware of how compression, minification of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, Browser caching, and implementation of Content Delivery Network helps in increasing the loading speed of a website. Hiring an expert SEO services provider who would effectively take steps for caching, using CDN, and other optimizations will help you to a great extent.


It would be fair to say that you cannot create a perfect SEO strategy for your website. However, by taking into account all the relevant ranking factor in 2019 for a great SEO result, you will be able to create a better, and more awesome user experience. Once your site’s overall user-experience is taken care of, you can stay assured that your website will rock in 2019.

Trending Search Engine Optimization Factors to Focus in 2019
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