5 Basic Tips to Increase User Engagement on Your Website


What attracts you in a website? Is it the look and feel or the absolute clarity on the contents? Is it the easy to navigate User Interface or the ease of understanding the mission and vision behind the website? While color and content are the best ways to keep users hooked to your website, you need to even bother about a two way interaction between the visitors and the website owners. This is one of the ideal ways to increase user interest and engagement while browsing through the entire website.

There are plenty of techniques to boost user engagement on a website and here is the list of top five techniques that works wonders with any kind of website.

Focus on Content

First and foremost, one has to work with the content. Hiring the best creative minds to create contents that are engaging, thoughtful and correct is the basic and the foremost step to improve customer engagement on your website. Also the contents need to be updated following a calendar so that it does not remain mundane and uninteresting.

Publishing relevant and trending content helps you regain visitors and boost the chances of converting them into buyers.

Scheduling never fails

It is a proven fact that Tuesdays and Wednesdays are when most websites have heavy traffic. Hence, if you are looking for high user engagement rates, it is a good move to schedule new posts, blogs, and product catalogues updates on late Monday or early Tuesday. There are plenty of applications that posts promotional messages on social media when website undergoes an update. This is the best way to capture interest of users and make the website a huge hit.

Commendable Carousels

Even in news channels, more than the presenters, the bottom scrolls catch eye’s attention. Similarly, one can design enigmatic carousel posters and embed them in the website. These add to the aesthetic quotient of the website and also capture the vivid pictures of latest happenings in the website in audio visual format. These are a great value addition for increasing website user engagement.

Bang on blogs

For retail merchandise online trading, the product catalogue gets refreshed in day to day basis. Unless a customer checks regularly, he might not know what is newly added to the website. In such cases, blogs help a lot to increase website traffic and activity. These blogs can be written in lieu with the new product on launch pad and can be circulated in blogosphere and social media with a link to the website in it. Such blogs definitely garner attention and in an eagerness to check more, many visit the website and learn useful information.

User polls

How about blue or green cover page?“, “Do you wish to see a new page in the site dedicated for blogs?” You might as well have seen such polls in many websites or social media portals like Facebook or twitter. Do you have the slightest idea why these are placed? Simple! To make visitors participate in website building and increasing activity. While users click on the poll, the Google analytics at the background updates these details and shows relevant information while users log in next time and creating a great impression on the visitor.

As the saying goes ‘curiosity killed the cat’ it is a mandatory to keep your website engaging to the user so that they are all the time curious to know what is new on the block. With support functionalities like social media portals you can make sure your website traverses across the globe and is accessible to anyone anywhere. With a Contact Us page integrated in your website, you can reply to fan mails, user queries on regular basis which too helps to boost your website conversion rate. With these unusual ideas for brilliant packaging and calculated marketing, your website user engagement level can always be kept high making your sites popular and very much in demand!

5 Basic Tips to Increase User Engagement on Your Website
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